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Roger Southern Photographs of the Highlands of Papua New Guinea and University of Papua New Guinea [UPNG], 1969-1973

  • AU PMB PHOTO 125
  • Collection
  • 1969-1973

These 152 35mm slides were taken between October 1969 and November 1973 by Roger Southern, who was then teaching at the Department of Geography at the University of Papua New Guinea [UPNG] and was researching a master’s degree with the University of Bristol for which he travelled to the PNG Highlands to observe the place of roads and road transport in economic change.

The images illustrate ten themes:

  1. TRADITIONAL HIGHLAND VILLAGE LIFE, Lumusa area, Baiyer River district [Images 1 to 25]
  2. BAIYER RIVER, local roads, and the emerging cash economy [26-46]
  3. BAIYER RIVER, the Baptist Mission and Enga Enterprises coffee cooperative[47-57]
  4. ALONG THE HIGHLANDS HIGHWAY, road making and road transport in a challenging environment [58-76]
  5. ULYA COFFEE PLANTATION, people, activity in and around the plantation [77-94]
  6. MOUNT HAGEN, images of the town [95-104]
  7. WAHGI VALLEY, KINDENG, the tea plantation [105-113]
  8. WAHGI VALLEY, KINDENG, the smallholder projects [114-126]
  9. UPNG [UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA], the campus and some events [127-137]
  10. UPNG [UNIVERSITY OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA], the students [138-152]

The late Edith Watts MBE and the late John Watts MLA provided many of the opportunities for images 1 to 126 to be made. Southern also remembers fondly the students and staff of the brand new and exciting University of Papua New Guinea [images 127-152].

Southern, Roger

Slides from John Baker’s Voluntary Service Overseas placement in Solomon Islands

  • AU PMB PHOTO 114
  • Collection
  • 1964-1965

This collection of 540 colour photographs was taken by John Baker in Solomon Islands in 1964 and 1965, while he was working there as a volunteer under the auspices of the British Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) organisation. He was 18 and 19 at the time and was what was known as a school leaver volunteer. There were 10-15 VSOs in the Solomons in 1964, with most working as teachers in mission boarding schools. However, John was attached mainly to two District Administrations to work on various local projects.

At the time, Solomon Islands was under colonial administration known as the British Solomon Islands Protectorate (BSIP), in which virtually all senior and technical/professional positions were still held by expatriates. Thus VSOs were working within and were very much a part of a colonial culture.

The photographs in the collection were taken with a Voigtlander Vito B camera on Kodachrome 100 colour slides. The camera was stored, including for many canoe trips, in an old Sunshine Milk tin with a bag of silica gel in the bottom. Captions for the photos were written in a foolscap notebook when the slides came back from processing. Thus the names of people and places were all recorded contemporaneously and so are likely to be accurate. These captions, written in 1964-65, sometimes have a colonial tone but have been left unchanged as they are an historical reflection of their times.

John Baker’s first work as a VSO was from August-November 1964 as a teacher at the Geological Department’s survey school in Honiara. Then he transferred to Western District headquarters in Gizo and worked during December 1964 and January 1965 as a surveyor on the Wagina Island Gilbertese resettlement scheme. In February 1965 he transferred to Eastern District headquarters in Kira Kira where he spent six weeks working on local election preparations. He then moved back to Gizo and spent April to August 1965 travelling round, organising the construction of concrete drinking water tanks in various villages in the Roviana and Wana Wana lagoons and subsequently on the island of Ranonnga.

Baker, John R.

Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Theology theses

  • AU PMB MS 1084
  • Collection
  • 1968-1993

The Pacific Theological College in Suva, Fiji, is an ecumenical institution founded in 1966 to assist in providing the Pacific churches a highly trained indigenous ministry. The College established an international reputation for quality theological education, particularly in the three core areas of Biblical Studies, Theology and History of Christianity. In 1987 in began a Master of Theology programmme in Pacific Church History. The thesis is an integral part of the PTC's Bachelor of Divinity and master of Theology programmes.

Approximately 294 theses filmed in chronological order. Many systematically apply detailed local knowledge to topics covering a broad range of cultural, social and political matters in the Pacific Islands.

See reel list for further details

Pacific Theological College

Administrative archives

  • AU PMB MS 1080
  • Collection
  • 1833-1969

The Apostolic Prefecture of Southern Oceania was established on 10 January 1830 and the Apostolic Vicariate of Eastern Oceania was formed on 2 June 1833. The Tahiti Mission was entrusted to the Congregation SS.CC. by decree of 20 May 1833. On 9 May 1848 the latter was divided into the Apostolic Vicariate of the Marquesas Islands, comprising only the Marquesas Archipelago, and the Apostolic Vicariate of the Tahitian Islands, consisting of Easter Island, the Friendly Islands, the Gambier, Tuamotu and Austral archipelagos, and the Cook Islands. By a decree dated February 1889, but ineffective until 1921, Easter Island was transferred to the Chilean Vicariate Apostolic of Villarica. On 27 November 1922 a separate Prefecture was established for the Cook Islands. The Archdiocese of Papeete was formed on 21 June 1966.

Administrative records of the Archdiocese and its predecessor organisations as arranged by Father Amerigo Cools and described in his Repertoire des archives de l'archidiocese de Papeete, 1970 (excluding the catalogued manuscripts, which are microfilmed at PMB 1082, and most of the maps and legal documents). The archives are arranged under the following categories:<BR> A.Autorites superieures<BR> B. Archidiocese de Papeete<BR> C/D. Personnel missionnaires <BR> E. Enseignement <BR> H/K.Rapports <BR> L. Administration temporel <BR> N. Aide <BR> P. Geographie, histoire, &c <BR> Z. Histoire de la Mission<P><B>See reel list for further details</B>

Catholic Archdiocese of Papeete

Tongatapu registry: Marriage certificates

  • AU PMB MS 1086
  • Collection
  • 1892-1899, 1903-1909

Under the 1926 Marriage and Registration Act the Chief Justice is also the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages, and the Registrar of the Supreme Court is the sub-registrar for the districts of Tongatapu and 'Eua. In other districts the local magistrate is the sub-registrar. A centralized registry combined with a sub-registry for the islands of Tongatapu and 'Eua has been created in the one office in Nuku'alofa under the Registrar of the Supreme Court. He is assisted by an executive officer (vital statistics).

Marriage certificates, 1892-1899, 1902-1909.<P><B>See reel list for further details</B>

Ministry of Justice, Tonga

Diaries (photocopy of Roviana originals and English translations)

  • AU PMB MS 1102
  • Collection
  • Jun 1925, Feb 1936, Apr 1937, Mar-Sep 1942, Jan-Mar 1946, May-Dec 1950

Joseph Tozaka was associated with the Methodist Mission in the West of the Solomon Islands

Diaries (photographs of the original), 1-7 Jun 1925, 20-26 Feb 1936, 5-11 Mar 1936, 9 Mar-1 Apr 1942, 16 Apr-23 Aug 1942, 16 Apr-23 Aug 1942, 24 Jan-6 Mar 1946, 23-25 Mar 1950?, 21 May-9Dec 1950. <BR> Diaries (Ts. Translations of originals), 1-7 Jun 1925, 20-26 Feb 1936, 5-11 Mar 1936, 26 Mar-15 Apr 1936, 26 Mar-15 Apr 1936, 14 Jan-10 Feb 1937, 9 Mar-25 Mar 1942, 26 Mar-23 Aug 1942,5, 26-27 Sep 1942, 2 Jan 1946, 23, 26 Jan-6 Mar 1946, 23 May-9 Dec 1950.<P><b>See reel list for further details</b>

Tozaka, Job

Diary (Roviana original and English translation)

  • AU PMB MS 1104
  • Collection
  • May 1935-Jan 1936

David Voeta was associated with the Methodist Mission in the West of the Solomon Islands. Diary (possibly a transcript), May 1935-Jan 1936. English translation of the diary, May 1935-Jan 1936.

See reel list for further details.

Voeta, David

Legal papers, agreements, reports, notes and press cuttings on Islands.

  • AU PMB MS 1205
  • Collection
  • 1840-1914

See PMB 1174 and 1175 for administrative history of the Pacific Islands Co Ltd and the Pacific Phosphate Co Ltd.

PIC, Sydney, correspondence with London, 1897-1898; deeds, leases, accounts & other documents, 1877-1902; PIC articles of association, 1897 & 1902; notes on islands, 1840-1915; PIC prospectus, 1893-1896; Solomon Islands concession, 1903-04; Ocean Island Crown Lease, 1901; PIC agreement with Jaluit Gesellschaft, 1901; PIC Reports to Directors, 1899-1904; Copra Co Ltd estimates, 1893; PIC notice of purchase of Henderson & Macfarlane, 1989; Jaluit Gesellschaft Nauru concession, 1888; PIC press cuttings, 1886-99; PIC contracts, 1898-1902; Capt. Langdale, Account of Rob Roy expedition to the Solomon Islands, 1900. <b>See Finding aids for details.</b>
See also PMB 1174-1176, 1206-1207, J.T. Arundel & Co, Pacific Islands Co Ltd & Pacific Phosphate Co, and PMB 480-495, 497-498, for diaries, corresp. & further papers of J.T. Arundel & A.F. Ellis.

Pacific Islands Company Ltd: Pacific Phosphate Company Ltd

Report on education in the British Solomon Islands

  • AU PMB MS 1216
  • Collection
  • March 1940

William Charles Groves, B.A. (Melb), Dip.Ed., F.R.A.I. (1898-1967) was a Supervisor of Education in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea from 1922 till 1926. He carried out anthropological work in the Western Pacific, including New Guinea, from 1931 till 1936, as a Research Fellow in Social Anthropology under the Australian National Research Council. He was Director of Education in Nauru from 1937 till 1938 and Advisor on Education in the Solomon Islands from 1939 till 1940. After World War II he was appointed Director of Education in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea (TPNG) and remained in that post till 1958.

This copy of Groves’ Report on Education in the British Solomon Islands, March 1940, Ts., roneoed, c.200pp., is an uncatalogued item in the Hallstrom Pacific Collection. Its contents consist of:
Part I., Section 1. Introduction, Acknowledgements, etc.
Section 2. The Solomon Islands Background in Relation to Education.
Section 3. The Missions in the Solomon Islands
Section 4. Educational Aims and Objectives for the Solomon Islands
Section 5. The Missions and the Government in Education: (a) The present educational situation; (b) The Mission-Government Cooperation Principle.
Section 6. General Conclusions.
Part II., Section 1. Introductory
Section 2. Outline of a Suggested Educational Organisation.
Section 3. Educational Organisation (continued).
Section 4. Problems of Educational Content and School Curricula.
Section 5. Problems of Educational Content (continued).
Section 6. Educational finance.
Section 7. The Introduction of the Proposed System: Staff Requirements, legislation, Method of Organisation, etc.
Bibliography: (a) Solomon Islands (b) Native Education.
Appendix. Suggested Courses of Study for Solomon Islands Schools.

Groves, William Charles

Land titling project reports

  • AU PMB MS 1242
  • Collection
  • 1968, 1994-1999

J.M. McEwen’s report in 1968 indicated that land tenure system in Niue was already under strain. He points out that customary Niuean land tenure consists of “family ownership, with an appointed family head, and undistributed rights of occupation which pass by descent. Ownership is fluid, in that rights can be lost by continued absence of owners from the land. Rights of occupation may also be lost in the same way. The system is essentially practical in that it enables the land to be worked by individual owners without interference from co-owners.” Niuean customary tenure was opposed to individualised freehold titles registered under the Niue Act 1966, derived from the New Zealand Maori Land Act.

Niue Land Titling Project. A Mid-term Review, Apr 1994.

Niue Land Titling Project: Stage Two Project: Document, n.d.

Interim Report of the A.C.T. Crown Lease Consultancy, 1995

Niue Land Titling Project. Questions and Answers about the Land Titling Project, Mar 1996

Report. Niue Delegation Tour in New Zealand for Land Titling Project, 20 March-2 April 1996;

Report of Constitutional Review Committee, Jun 1997; 19pp.

Proposal for a Consultancy to Review the Land Titling and Forestry Projects in Nuie, Sep 1997;

Terms of Reference: Review of Land Titling Project, Oct 1997

Review of Land Titling Project, Mar 1998; Ts., draft, 59pp.

Opportunities for Land Investment in Niue: Creation of a Land Economy, 4 Aug 1998.

Review of the Niue Land Titling Project. Final Report, Jun 1999.

Report on Land Tenure in Niue. Presented to the House of Representatives, 1968. <b>See Finding aids for details.</b>

Government of Niue, Justice, Lands and Survey Department

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