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  • AU PMB MS 76
  • Collection
  • 1 June 1931 - 17 October 1938

Diaries spanning Reverend John R. Metcalfe's entire career as a Methodist missionary and are of particular historical interest for his 37 years in Solomon Islands from 1920-1957. Metcalfe was appointed to Solomon Islands in 1920. After a brief period at Roviana, he was appointed to Choiseul (Lauru island) as assistant to the Rev. V. LeC. Binet. Apart from four years at Teop, he remained on Choiseul (with a break during the war) until 1951. He was then appointed chairman of the Methodist Mission in the Solomons.

See also PMB MS 74 through to MS 80.

Metcalfe, John R.

Essays on Solomon Islands life and Missionary Review extracts

  • AU PMB MS 413
  • Collection
  • c.1902 - 1964

The Rev. John R. Metcalfe (1889-1970) a Methodist missionary in the Solomon Islands for 37 years, was born in Yorkshire and went to Victoria in 1914. He became a candidate for the Methodist ministry in 1916, and after being ordained was appointed to the Solomon Islands in 1920. After a brief period at Roviana, he was appointed to Choiseul as assistant to the Rev. V. Lec. Binet. Apart from four years at Teop, he remained on Choiseul until 1951. During the war, he served as a Coastwatcher. He was chairman of the Methodist Mission in the Solomons from 1951 until he retired to Australia in 1957. He continued to take an active interest in the mission until his death.

The papers comprise essays written by Solomon Islanders in vernacular languages describing their lives, local events and people of importance (52 pages); similar writings in English; annotated extracts from the Missionary Review 1902 - 1921; etc.

Metcalfe, John R.

Diary (photocopy of original in Roviana)

  • AU PMB MS 1105
  • Collection
  • January-April 1937

This diary, associated with the Methodist Mission in the Solomon Islands, was found with Job Tozaka's diary (see PMB 1102). Diary of an unnamed person, possibly John Kevisi, 14 Jan-21 Apr 1937. See reel list for further details.

John Kevisi [?]

James L.O.Tedder Solomon Islands Photographs

  • AU PMB Photo 66
  • Collection
  • 1952-1974

PMBPhoto66 is a collection of 1558 black and white photographs of uneven quality of British Solomon Islands Protectorate (BSIP) subjects over the 22 years from 1952 to 1974. Much of pre-Independent Solomon Islands is shown in the photos, each of the four administrative districts of the time (Central, Malaita, Eastern and Western) being represented.
The collection is ordered more or less by island name and dated by year. The dating is not always chronological and there are 80 undated images. Roughly speaking there are 388 images of the 1950s, 353 of the 1960s and 739 of the period 1970 to 1974. The majority of the 1950s images are from Malaita, Makira including Ugi, and islands of the “Far East” including Anuta, Vanikoro, the Duff Islands, the Reefs, Santa Cruz, Nukupu, Pileni, Lomlom, Fenualoa, Nibanga Temoa and Tikopia. The images from the 1960s include some of Santa Ysabel, Rennell and Russell Island, Choiseul, Gizo, Ontong Java and Savo. The majority in the 1970s are images of Guadalcanal but also include images from Choiseul, Kolombangara, New Georgia, Nggela/Gela and Tulagi.
Subjects include geographic features such as islands and atolls, volcanoes, coastlines, bays and landing beaches, plains, mountains and mountain ranges, rivers and lagoons and vegetations - for example, Lambi Bay on Guadalcanal’s weather coast, Graciosa Bay in Santa Cruz and Mt Alasa’a in Malaita. In the west Kolombangara Island, in the east Mt Tinakula, Savo Island in Central, and Mounts Tatuve, Gallego, and Popomanesiu on Guadalcanal, are all types of volcano, and each a subject in this collection. Mt Popomanesiu is of special environmental and/or conservation interest for its tropical rainforest vegetation.
Images of aspects of traditional Islander economic activity include gardening particularly of yams; fishing and fishing equipment; the construction of various types of canoe and paddles; and the making of utensils such as mortars and pestles for pounding, and containers; building houses and using leaves to weave walls, roofs, mats, and baskets; carvings; and caring for specific trees like the betel nut palm, for use on ceremonial occasions for example, and the impacts of storms and floods. Images show people at work (for example James No’oli using a backstrap loom, men making yam gardens, and women preparing cassava and making string).
Islander participation in economic and social development, including schools and training centres, is shown in many images: working for Christian missions (mainly Catholic and Anglican) and the government in a variety of roles including as headmen, administrators, police, carriers, guides, captains and crews of boats and ships, nurses, teachers, personal servants and staff in the houses of expatriates, and labourers (women and men) in forestry and logging, coconut plantations and the production of copra, building infrastructure including roads and bridges, and geological/mineral exploration for example on San Jorge for nickel mining and on Gold Ridge and in the Betilonga Basin on Guadalcanal. Images of early airstrips and the transport of goods by carrying on foot, on canoes, boats, and ships are shown, as are cruise ships, a part of the development of the tourist industry. Images of individuals include Silas Sitai as a young administrative assistant with Inspector Dick Richardson and Senior Clerk Walter Togonu; Headman Lumani of Paripao, Headman Chamatete and his wife Betizel as guides, and businessman Samuel Saki and his family. Pelise Moro, the leader of a movement on the weather (south) coast of Guadalcanal to return to customary ways of living, is also a subject and shown in regalia.
Art and cultural heritage subjects include petroglyphs on Guadalcanal, old terraces built to irrigate taro on New Georgia; old slit gongs used in ceremony in memory of Frederick Melford Campbell on Makira; sacred stones on Guadalcanal; graves on Choiseul; and the re-enactment on Santa Ysabel of the killing of Anglican Bishop Patteson at Nukapu in 1871. Images of men, women and children dancing; music including singing, panpipes and bands; jewellery including kap kaps, necklaces, earrings; woven headdresses and skirts; carved masks for ceremonies and welcomes for visitors. Images show Petero Cheni illustrating string figures and Moses and his wife making panpipes and baskets.
Special occasions are often the subject of images and include visits to Moro’s village on the weather coast of Guadalcanal in 1965 and 1969; a welcome to Ontong Java in 1960 at the start of which visitors walked on the hands held at waist height by women who were covered in coconut oil mixed with turmeric; police parades for the Queen’s Birthday on Makira in 1957; and welcomes to visiting High Commissioners to villages and schools. Father Adrian Smith and Bishop Stuyvenburg are shown at the opening of the new Roman Catholic Church at Makina.
Villages, government stations and Honiara are also subjects. Many villages are named and images show residents, including Gilbertese people and squatters, women working, houses and sometimes their contents, water supplies, social gatherings, flood damage, and meetings with government officials.
Throughout the collection there are glimpses of expatriates at work within the British colonial administration as High commissioners, District Officers and District Commissioners, including James Tedder, and Forestry Officers. There are also glimpses of James Tedder’s family, his wife Margaret and children, and some of their friends. Also as part of the collection are images of the houses they lived in and the recreational activities they enjoyed, such as bush walking to interesting sites, plant collecting and swimming. James Tedder and members of his family described/captioned the majority of the images.
The collection is complemented by a number of publications. As a guide to these images, James Tedder’s book A District Administrator in the Islands 1952-1974 Solomon Island Years is useful, although it does not have an index. There are also other Tedder collections in the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau catalogue and the Pacific Research Library, also at ANU.

Tedder, James L.O.

Solomon Islands Photographs

  • Collection
  • 2001

PMBPhoto 62 is a collection of 209 photographs of Solomon Islands subjects taken between 30 November and 13 December 2001. The main subject area is the 2001 Solomon Islands General Election, the first post-conflict election held.

The photographs are a record of Jan Gammage's experience as a member of an international team of election observers, the International Election Observation Mission (IEOM) to the Solomon Islands. Members of the Mission included Australian public servants from AusAID and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and representatives from New Zealand, Fiji, Cook Islands and Japan. Organisations including the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat were also represented.

Subjects include the Solomon Islands Government welcome to the Mission, the IEOM's briefing and organising of teams, deployment by helicopter to Tulagi in Nggela constituency of Central Province (nine candidates, 9,000 registered voters living on five large and about 50 small islands, and 24 polling stations), and aspects of the electoral process. Subjects include electoral officials and police involved in the conduct of the election, and others including boat drivers, and the women who ran the guesthouse on Tulagi in which the observers stayed. Women in the market, Mboli Passage, ship wrecks, the site of the house occupied by Charles Woodford, the first Resident Commission of the British Solomon Island Protectorate, and the "cut road" are also subjects.

In Honiara and surrounds, the Electoral Commission, hotels, the Peace Monitoring Council, the market, Mission members, Parliament House, the Anzac memorial, World War II sites and memorials both American and Japanese, and the Solomon Islands Government farewell to the Mission are among the subjects.

Gammage, Jan


  • AU PMB MS 12
  • Collection
  • 1803 - 1852

Captain Edward Primrose Tregurtha (1803-1880) was born in Cornwall, UK, and died in Launceston, Tasmania. He went to sea at an early age, and made voyages to the Far East and India. In 1831-33, as master of the whaler Caroline, he made an extensive whaling voyage out of Hobart. His itinerary included Sydney, the Bay of Islands, the Kermadecs, Rotuma, Wallis Island, the Gilberts, Solomon Islands, New Ireland, and the Coral Sea. After a visit to England, Tregurtha returned to Tasmania, whence he traded with neighbouring colonies as owner and master of the Henry. He made voyages to Adelaide in 1837 and took early settlers and sheep to Port Phillip. He later opened a business in Launceston as a general merchant and shipping agent.

The autobiography, which, in many places, appears to have been written up from journals kept at sea, gives a full account of Tregurtha's life from his birth in 1803 until the late 1830's. From then until the year 1852, it is brief and sporadic.

Tregurtha, Edward Primrose

Newspaper clippings

  • AU PMB MS 88
  • Collection
  • 1918 - 1968

The clippings were gathered by the Rev. J.R. Metcalfe (1889-1970), a Methodist missionary in the Solomon Islands, mainly on Choiseul Island, from 1920 to 1957.

The clippings relate to Solomon Islands mission matters and affairs in the Solomons generally.See also PMB MS 67/68; 74-80 and 82.

Metcalfe, John R.

Diaries and pearling logs

  • AU PMB MS 15
  • Collection
  • 1882 - 1905

Captain Hamilton (1852-1937) was born in Scotland and came to Australia at the age of 10. In 1882 - 1883 he made voyages from Brisbane to Vanuatu (at that time the New Hebrides), New Britain and New Ireland (Papua New Guinea) in labour recruiting vessels. For a dozen or so years from the late 1890s, he ran the Hamilton Pearling Co. with luggers operating out of Komuli in the Admiralty Islands and Gizo in Solomon Islands. This company also traded in copra, tortoise shell, black lip and green snail shell. Later, Captain Hamilton had big planting interests in the Solomons, mainly on Choiseul. He died in Sydney in November, 1937.

The papers copied on this microfilm are the most interesting and valuable historically of a large collection (in the Oxley Memorial Library) relating to Captain Hamilton's career. They comprise:

  • Diary of a recruiting voyage in the schooner Lochiel from Brisbane to the New Hebrides from September 20, 1882, to December 29, 1882.
  • Diary of a recruiting voyage in the schooner Jessie Kelly from Brisbane to the New Hebrides, New Britain and New Ireland from March to September, 1883.
  • Two reports on voyages in search of pearl shell in New Guinea and the Solomons in 1899-1900.
  • Log of the pearling lugger Nippon from April 20, 1901 to September 24, 1901, kept at the Hamilton Pearling Company's station at Komuli, Admiralty Islands.
  • Log of the Hamilton Pearling Company's station at Komuli from September 27 1902 to March 10 1903.
  • Logs and diaries kept by William Hamilton in the vessels Canomie, Ysabel, Gazelle and Kambin from January 1 1903 to November 14 1905. These concern the operations of the Hamilton Pearling Company in New Guinea and the Solomons.

For further details of Captain Hamilton's career and of his other papers in the Oxley Memorial Library, see the Bureau's newsletter 'Pambu' October 1968:3, pp.3-6.

Hamilton, William

The Solomons News Drum (Honiara)

  • AU PMB DOC 415
  • Collection
  • October 1974, February 1975-April 1982

'The Solomons News Drum' was a weekly newspaper published by the Solomon Islands Government. A trial edition was published on 25 Oct 1974 followed by a further 366 issues published from 7 Feb 1975 until 7 May 1982. The name of the newspaper changed to the 'News Drum' in July 1979. Its predecessor was the 'BSI News Sheet'; it was succeeded by 'Solomon Islands News'.

Reel 1 'The Solomon News Drum' trial edition 25 Oct 1974; Nos.1-46, 7 Feb-19 Dec 1975;
Reel 2 Nos.47-96, 9 Jan-17 Dec 1976;
Reel 3 Nos.97-147, 7 Jan-23 Dec 1977;
Reel 4 Nos.148-195, 13 Jan-22 Dec 1977; Nos.196-220, 12 Jan-29 Jun 1979; 'News Drum' Nos.221-245, 6 Jul-21 Dec 1979;
Reel 5 Nos.246-295, 11 Jan-19 Dec 1980;
Reel 6 Nos.296-348, 9 Jan-25 Dec 1981; Nos. 349-360, 362, 8 Jan-9 Apr 1982.

The Solomons News Drum (Honiara)

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