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Logbook and statistics - Chronicle of important events

  • AU PMB MS 704
  • Collection
  • 1774 - 1949

See PMB 701

The logbook and statistics cover the period 1920-49. The chronicle of important events begins with Captain Cook's discovery of Niue in 1774 and is brought down to the year 1928. The events chronicled do not necessarily concern the London Missionary Society on Niue.

London Missionary Society - Niue

Correspondence, articles and research papers of Sione Latukefu

  • AU PMB MS 1393
  • Collection
  • 1777 - 1995

This collection contains research papers of Reverend Dr Sione Latukefu. The papers include articles (by Latukefu and others), copies of archival documents from various institutions as well as handwritten notes and typed transcriptions. Documents relate to governance in Tonga, including the pro-democracy movement, government and royal papers, laws and international treaties. Many documents also relate to the missionary history of Tonga and publications such as newsletters of the Wesleyan Methodist and Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga.

Latukefu, Sione

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 7095