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Archivistische beschrijving
U.P.N.G. [University of Papua New Guinea] Arts/Law Building. Dubu Poles (Kerema) x indicates History Library
T4 [James Lindsay Taylor's camp 4] top left. Route down hill and across rv. [river]. Lone tree on sky = JRB's [John Russell Black's] drawing. Camp below it. Rocks mark Hulia Rv [River] crossing
Canberra RAAF [Royal Australian Air Force] airport [Gough] Whitlam [Michael] Somare [Bill] Morrison Dave White
Fat Self [Bill Gammage] T.V. Tobunbun [Esq. [Esquire], Vice-Pres., [Vice-President] Gazelle L.G. [Local Government] Council, Member, Select Committee on Constitutional Development, T.P.N.G. [Territory of Papua and New Guinea] [in Bill Gammage's Burton Hall room, Australian National University] (Day I got elected Hon. [Honorary] Life M. [Member] [of Burton Hall])
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