Mostrar 2290 resultados
Descrição arquivísticaLooking W [west] down Hoiyevia strip [airstrip] Base camp = right rear
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2296
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- 3 Sep [1988]
Mabuli's [Mabuli Togola's] kau kau [sweet potato] garden Pai-I [Tari]
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2302
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- 4 Sep [1988]
Hoiyevia, classrooms down left side of strip [airstrip]
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2297
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- 3 Sep [1988]
Hoiyevia Base Camp. House (now United Church headmaster (Fiji)
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2298
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- 3 Sep [1988]
Kwarima Ubuma of Hoiyevia shows 2 metal discs given to her as money tokens 1950s
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2299
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- 3 Sep [1988]
Lawi Tebela + Tagayu Wale of Pari (both at left) Bill [Gammage]
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2303
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- 4 Sep [1988]
Gate + drain, E [east] of Hoiyevia
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2304
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- 4 Sep [1988]
Death sign on Mendi rd [road], edge of Tari
- AU PMB PHOTO 46-2305
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- 4 Sep [1988]
Resultados 1 a 10 de 2290