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Monuments related to war and the Free French movement in the Pacific
Monuments related to war and the Free French movement in the Pacific
Atoga no Magareva mei te ao eteni kite ao Kiritiano nei [History of Mangareva from pagan to Chris...
Atoga no Magareva mei te ao eteni kite ao Kiritiano nei [History of Mangareva from pagan to Christian times]
Atoga no Magareva mei te ao eteni kite ao Kiritiano nei [History of Mangareva from pagan to Chris...
Atoga no Magareva mei te ao eteni kite ao Kiritiano nei [History of Mangareva from pagan to Christian times]
Oi n Aomata: A Christological Exploration of Marriage in the Midst of Violence Against Wives in K...
Oi n Aomata: A Christological Exploration of Marriage in the Midst of Violence Against Wives in Kiribati Context
Ulu Fonu Ui-e E! Towards an Indigenous, Pastoral Ministry for Reconciliation in the Ekalesia Keli...
Ulu Fonu Ui-e E! Towards an Indigenous, Pastoral Ministry for Reconciliation in the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu
Holistic Pastoral Education: A Critical Evaluation of Holistic Pastoral Education in Anglican Chu...
Holistic Pastoral Education: A Critical Evaluation of Holistic Pastoral Education in Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) Schools; With Respect to Bishop Selwyn's Philosophy of Education
Walking in the Freedom of the Resurected Christ: Towards a Ministry of Deliverance of Persons Opp...
Walking in the Freedom of the Resurected Christ: Towards a Ministry of Deliverance of Persons Oppressed by Demons in the Maohi Protestant Church, Tahiti
The Marshall Islands Journal, vol. 47, 8-13
The Marshall Islands Journal, vol. 47, 8-13
The Marshall Islands Journal, vol. 47, 14-20
The Marshall Islands Journal, vol. 47, 14-20
Re-Thinking Vakanomodi: Towards an I Taukei Theology of Silence in Contemporary Fiji
Re-Thinking Vakanomodi: Towards an I Taukei Theology of Silence in Contemporary Fiji
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