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Reel 11: Caroline Islands. General Meetings & Committee Meetings.

Caroline Islands. General Meetings & Committee Meetings. Reports for Strong’s Island (Kusaie) and Ponape submitted by B.G. Snow, E.T. Doane; letter by Mrs L.H. Gulick concerning Rev. Gulick’s health; minutes of the Gen. Mtg. of the Micronesia Mission held at Honolulu, 1871; other letters and correspondence.

Hawaiian Mission Children's Society

Reel 11: Vessels: “Morning Star” IV.

Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Captain George F. Garland. Reports of the 7th, 8th and 9th voyages of the Morning Star IV to Micronesia, abstract logs; correspondence.

Hawaiian Mission Children's Society

Reel 11: Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Captain Isaiah Bray. Reports.

Vessels: “Morning Star” IV. Captain Isaiah Bray. Reports. Report of the 1st voyage to Micronesia of the missionary steam barkentine Morning Star, 1883; report of engineer’s department, 1885 - 1886; report of visit to the Marshalls and the Caroline Islands by C. H. Wetmore, M. D., 1886.

Hawaiian Mission Children's Society

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