The Centipede and the Rock of Help: The Significance for Fiji of Cakobau's Conversion
- 1427_031
- Stuk
- September, 1997
Tevita Baleiwaqa
24196 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects
The Centipede and the Rock of Help: The Significance for Fiji of Cakobau's Conversion
Tevita Baleiwaqa
Revitalization of Lay Training Ministry in the Churches of Christ of Vanuatu
Judith Vusi
Please see PMB 581 for full entry.
Correspondence with private individuals (Continued from reel PMB 586): Gottlieb von Jagow, 1914-34; H. Knipping, 1900-04, 1920-30; Richard von Kuhlmann, 1912-17; Richard Kuenzer, 1912-35; Karl Max Lisknowsky, 1914-18; Emil Ludwig, 1916-18; Adolf-Friedrich Mecklenberg, 1913-16; Albrecht Mendelssohn, 1922-31; Friedrich Wilhelm Mohr, 1922-35; Anton Mentz, 1916-18; Walther Rathenau, 1911-18; Otto Riedel (manager of the Deutsche Handels-und Plantagen-Gesellschaft), 1905-26; Paul Rohrback, 1913-18; F. Rose, 1900-06; Friedrich Rosen, 1898-1932; Erich von Salzmann, 1921-32; and E. Schmidt-Dergitz, 1899-1904. Note: Rose and Schmidt-Dergitz were Pacific specialists in the German Colonial Office. (Cont. on PMB 588)
Solf, Wilhelm Heinrich
Please see PMB 581 for full entry.
Correspondence with private individuals (Continued from reel PMB 586): Gottlieb von Jagow, 1914-34; H. Knipping, 1900-04, 1920-30; Richard von Kuhlmann, 1912-17; Richard Kuenzer, 1912-35; Karl Max Lisknowsky, 1914-18; Emil Ludwig, 1916-18; Adolf-Friedrich Mecklenberg, 1913-16; Albrecht Mendelssohn, 1922-31; Friedrich Wilhelm Mohr, 1922-35; Anton Mentz, 1916-18; Walther Rathenau, 1911-18; Otto Riedel (manager of the Deutsche Handels-und Plantagen-Gesellschaft), 1905-26; Paul Rohrback, 1913-18; F. Rose, 1900-06; Friedrich Rosen, 1898-1932; Erich von Salzmann, 1921-32; and E. Schmidt-Dergitz, 1899-1904. Note: Rose and Schmidt-Dergitz were Pacific specialists in the German Colonial Office. (Cont. on PMB 588)
Solf, Wilhelm Heinrich
Taumua Lelei. Nuku'Alofa Tonga: Bishop Blanc. 1+June 1929+(?)
Bishop Blanc was Vicar Apostolic of the Tongan Islands. For other microfilms relating to his work in Tonga see OMPA 24 and OMPA 25.
Nos. 1-125 of a monthly Tongan Language newspaper. Each issue has approximately 8 pages measuring 15 x 10 inches. Issues 1-56 contain Bishop Blanc's Hisitolia o Tonga, 950-1893 also microfilmed in OMPA 24.
Blanc, Joseph
Cook Islands Legislative Assembly proceedings, fourth session
For details see PMB Doc 2
Fourth session, 1962
Cook Islands Legislative Assembly
Official meeting publication of the Tonga Government.
Reel 1: Issues 1911 to 30 Oct. 1917: annual returns are bound, and filmed, with 1911-1913<BR>Reel 2: 2 Nov. 1917 - 1921
Tonga Government Gazette
Journal des Missions Evangeliques Societe des Missions Evangeliques, 1826 -
The Societe des Missions Evangeliques, a French Protestant body founded in 1826, took charge between 1863 and the 1880s of Protestant missions and schools established by the London Missionary Society in the Society Islands and the Austral Islands. It established missions in New Caledonia in the late 1890s and in the early C20 in the Loyalty Islands which had been under LMS influence.<BR>The <I>Journal</I> includes many articles on the French Pacific Islands: these are indexed in P. O'Reilly's bibliographies of New Caledonia and French Polynesia.<BR>The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau does not hold reproduction rights for this material. Orders should be directed to ACRPP, 4 Rue Louvois, Paris FRANCE
Issues for 1826
Journal des Missions Evangeliques
Journal des Missions Evangeliques Societe des Missions Evangeliques, 1826 -
For details see PMB Doc 101
Issues for 1827-30
Journal des Missions Evangeliques
Journal des Missions Evangeliques Societe des Missions Evangeliques, 1826 -
For details see PMB Doc 101
Issues for 1831-34
Journal des Missions Evangeliques