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“e” Ephemera: Short teacher training courses – the “E” courses at Malaguna, Madang and Port Moresby, parts 1 and 2.

  • AU PMB MS 1374
  • Collection
  • 1960-1972

This is a compliation of documents by Bernard W. Houston relating to the short teacher training courses, that he refers to as “E Courses” at Malaguna, Madang and Port Moresby between 1960 and 1972.
Immediately post World War Two, there was a great need for reconstructing villages in PNG and returning villages to their own way of life. In July 1945 education for people in Papua New Guinea was one of the “core” needs listed in the Commonwealth of Australia’s Provisional Administration Bill.

In the late 1950s, W.C. Grove, was the Director of the Territory of Papua New Guinea Education. There was a need for local students who would later become the teachers, clerks and skilled professionals in PNG in the future. Properly trained teachers were unavailable in PNG despite recruiting campaigns and the Territory did not have classroom staff to run the schools while new indigenous teachers were being trained.

The short teacher training course (similar to those used in Britain after the war) was proposed and later implemented as an “E” course or emergency crash teacher training course. The aim of the course was to recruit Australians, quickly train them to be primary teachers and then post them to primary schools throughout P.N.G.

In September 1960, applicants were recruited from Australia and moved to the Territory where the first “E” course began at Malaguna Technical Centre. This course included sixty trainees. On 1 April 1961, the first E course graduates were sent to postings in lowland and highland districts throughout P.N.G.
The E courses were concluded in December 1971.
Also titled: 6E ephemera : short teacher training courses : the E courses : at Malaguna, Madang and Port Moresby : the territory of Paua and New Guinea, 1960-1972

This compilation is in two parts. The first describes the courses, the second is a list of lecturers, trainees who graduated from the three training colleges at Malaguna, Madang and Port Moresby, and selected events.

Houston, Bernard W.

“The Flying Priest”. Fr Glover’s account of his flying experiences in New Guinea, mainly during the Pacific War, including the evacuation to Kainantu and his attempted flight to Thursday Island.

  • AU PMB MS 1233
  • Collection
  • 1936-1942

Fr John Glover was an Australian secular priest, trained at St. Patricks Seminary, Sydney. Fr Glover began learning to fly with Butler Air Transport Co while a Parish Priest at Cootamundra, NSW, in 1936. Fr Glover moved to New Guinea with the Divine Word Mission (SVD) n 1938 where he recommenced flying aircraft for the Mission in 1940. After the Japanese attacks on Lae, Wau and Bulolo, in January 1942, Fr Glover joined the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles. He helped to evacuate Europeans from the Markham Valley piloting a Spartan 2-seater and a Fox-Moth 4-seater re-built and maintained by Karl Nagy, who had been Guinea Airways’ chief engineer. He served in the Middle East as Chaplain 2nd/1st Btn 6th Division AIF. Returning to New Guinea after the War he was killed while crash landing a plane at the Catholic Mission at Mingende in 1948.

Memoir by Fr Glover of his flying experiences in New Guinea, mainly during the Pacific War, Ts., p/c, 27pp, annotated. Includes accounts of pre-War air operations in Lae and Wau and of ferrying European civilians from the coast to Kainantu and Mt Hagen to escape the Japanese occupation. Fr Glover also tells the story of his attempted flight with Karl Nagy in a Fox-Moth bi-plane over the Owen Stanley Ranges to Horn Island, off Cape York, to arrange evacuation of the refugees in the Highlands.
A note on the memoir explains that it was found in a clean-up at Mascot, NSW, by John Baker, a former employee of Butler Air Transport, who gave it to A.R.W. (Jim) Hoile, who passed it on to Adrian Leydon, Secretary of the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles-ANGAU Association.
This microfilm also includes Mr Leydon’s research file on Fr Glover consisting of correspondence with the SVD Mission at Mt Hagen and others, published articles and biographical documents, 1989-2003.

Glover, John Corbett (1909-1948)

“Taem bilong iume: Some notes on people and events in the post WWII British Solomon Islands Protectorate by a proud former resident”

  • AU PMB MS 1376
  • Collection
  • 2007

Paul Brown first went to the British Solomon Islands Protectorate in July 1958. For 19 years he was based in Honiara. He helped to establish Solomon Island Airlines, SOLAIR, growing the business from two bush aircraft to a fleet and introduced flights to PNG and Vanuatu. He was involved in many areas of tourism and travel in the Solomon Islands.
Paul Brown was initially asked by Ian Wotherspoon and Trevor Clark to contribute a chapter on early planters and traders and another on the development of the internal air service to a larger book called Taem bilong iume (De bilong mi) on the British Solomon Islands Protectorate prior to independence in July 1978. (See correspondence from Trevor Clark re: De bilong mi in PMB1365/46). Taem bilong iume was never published. Paul Brown later edited his chapters and added more information to create this book. The book was privately written and published by Paul H. Brown and is not for sale.

1 – Planters and traders, p.1
2 – Air services, p.14
3 – Missionaries, p.26
4 – Most obedient servants, p.31
5 – Box wallahs, p.37
6 – Friends for life, p.42
Appendix I: The UK’s “Daily Telegraph” obituary notice for Ninian Scott-Elliot RN (Ret’d), Sir Renn Davis and Sir Jocelyn Bodilly.
Appendix II: Copy of an unpublished report on the mysterious loss of R.C.S. “Melanesian” in July 1958 by an unknown then S.I. based author.
61pp. plus appendices.

Brown, Paul H.

whalemen's shipping list'

  • AU PMB MS 412
  • Collection
  • 13 Feb. 1883-2 - 2 Feb. 1886/24 Feb. 1874 - 15 Feb. 1876

The 'Whalemen's Shipping List' was a New Bedford weekly publication containing the names of ships operating out of New Bedford, their masters, agents, dates of departure and return, where bound, date and place of last report, and catch. Many of the ships operated in the Pacific Ocean. Please see also PMB MS 411.
13 Feb. 1883-2 - 2 Feb. 1886/24 Feb. 1874 - 15 Feb. 1876

New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA

Yule Island station statistics

  • AU PMB MS 663
  • Collection
  • 1920 - 1959

Statistics gathered at the Mission station on Yule Island.

Roman Catholic Mission, Papua: Diocese of Bereina

Yule Island News

  • AU PMB DOC 497
  • Collection
  • Nos.7-71 (gaps), Aug 1961-Dec 1970

Published by the Yule Island Club, C/- Catholic Mission, Yule Island, Papua. Printed by the Comet Press, Yule Island, Papua.

The newsletter consists of 4 or 8 pages and includes detailed reports on personnel and activities of the Sacred Heart Mission in Papua, primary and secondary school and teacher training reports, letters, general reports, and lists of subscribers. Yule Island Club Officers in August 1961 were:
President: George Scott
Vice-President: Michael Neni
Treasurer: Andrew Ofoi
Assistant Treasurer: Billy Bray
Secretary: Henry Natera
Assistant Secretary: Mika Taligatus

See Finding aids for details.

Yule Island News

Yap journals of the Legislature of the State of Yap

  • AU PMB DOC 441
  • Collection
  • 1984-1993

Law making powers in Yap, one of the four states that comprise the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), is vested in the State Legislature. The legislature has operated in its current form since 1983 following the approval by referendum of the State constitution in 1982 (see <I>PMB 1173</I> for further details). It has 10 members who are elected by universal adult suffrage every four years. However, the Legislature has its origins in the immediate post World War II period when the US Navy assumed administrative responsibility for the island. In 1945-47 the Navy encouraged and helped re-establish a Council of Chiefs. In the 1950s the 10 municipal magistrates (who were also customary chiefs) began holding meetings with the then US civil administration. Technically this Council was separate from that of the chiefs, but usually represented them. Between 1957-58 the municipalities were chartered, part of a process leading to the formation of a representative legislative body. In 1959 the first Yap Island Congress as it was then called, was convened, running parallel to the Council of Magistrates. In the 1960s Congress was expanded to include representatives from Yap's outer islands. In 1967 a new Yap District Legislature was formed, whose powers were enhanced by amendment[s] in 1978. These developments provided the foundations for the formation of the current legislature whose session journals are included here.

The Yap Legislature has law making powers over matters of public health, education, schooling, resource management, land use, the civil service, and some revenue raising abilities. Debates and discussions over these issues are carried in the <I>Yap Legislature Journal</I>.

The Journal is compiled by the Office of the Speaker of the Legislature. Issues from 1984-1997 are available here. Each volume is 500-600 pages, ring bound, double-sided photocopies. Digital copies of the <I>Legislature Journal</I> are held by the Office of the Speaker on diskette, including editions of the <I>Journal</I> since 1993. See reel list for more details.

Yap, State of

Yap State Constitutional Convention papers

  • AU PMB MS 1173
  • Collection
  • 1982

In 1947 the United Nations established the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI), vesting administration with the USA. The districts within the TTPI included Ponape (then including Kusaie), Truk, Yap, Palau, the Marshall Islands and the Northern Marianna Islands. In 1960s and 1970s the US and local representatives from these districts met to discuss various options for self-determination. This resulted in the eventual partition of the TTPI. The Northern Marianas became a self governing commonwealth within the US, while the rest of the TTPI was divided between the Marshall Islands, Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), all gradually achieving independence in free association with the USA from the early 1980s through to 1990 when the TTPI was finally dissolved by the UN.

In 1978 the peoples of Truk (now Chuuk), Ponape (Pohnpei), Kusaie (Kosrae) and Yap voted to form the FSM. In the early 1980s these states drafted and implemented their own constitutions, ready for the FSM's 1986 ratification of the Compact of Free Association with the USA. On 16 March 1982 the first Yap State Convention met to draft a constitution that was ratified by plebiscite in November of that year. The constitution enshrined a four branch system of government comprising the executive, legislative, judicial and traditional. Yap became the only state in the FSM where traditional leaders were fully incorporated into a constitution; through the Council of Pilung and the Council of Tamol, representing traditional leaders from Yap's main island and the state's outer islands respectively. These councils were granted authority over matters concerning tradition and custom. The constitution is also unique in Micronesia in mandating a balanced state budget. These papers cover the debates, discussions and meetings that resulted in this constitution.

Registered files of the Yap State Constitutional Convention, including: resolutions and reports of Convention Committees; agenda, journals and verbatim transcripts (in Yapese, Ulithian and English) of the proceedings of the Committee of the Whole and Plenary Sessions; Proposals; Resolutions; drafts of the Constitution; correspondence and related administrative documents.
See reel list for further details.

Yap State Constitutional Convention

Yap State Bulletin

  • AU PMB DOC 477
  • Collection
  • 1989-1999

Published by Yap State Government, Colonia, FSM. “The Yap State Bulletin is a vehicle for disseminating news and information about how your State government works; what type of projects, plans and decisions are being made and carried out by your government. The Bulletin is a compilation of information from the various departments, offices, agencies and branches of your State government gathered by the Department of Youth and Civic Affairs.” (Yap State Bulletin, No.1, 17 Nov 1989) The Yap State Bulletin ceased publication in July 1999 in anticipation of the production of The Yap Networker.

Reel 1.

Vol.1, Nos.1-26, 17 Nov 1989-16 Nov 1990
Vol.2, Nos.1-20, 30 Nov 1990-1 Nov 1991
Reel 2.
Vol.3, Nos.1-7, 9-22, 29 Nov 1991-1 May 1992, 15 May-13 Nov 1992
Vol.4, Nos.1-26, 27 Nov 1992-12 Nov 1993
Vol.5, Nos.1-22, 26 Nov 1993-30 Sep 1994
Vol.6, Nos.1-26, 9 Dec 1994-8 Dec 1995
Vol.7, Nos.1-26, 22 Dec 1995-6 Dec 1996
Vol.8, Nos.1-13, 20 Dec 1996-19 Dec 1997
Vol.9, Nos.1-8, 2 Jan-31 Dec 1998
Vol.10, Nos.1-3, 7 May-30 Jul 1999

Yap State Bulletin

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