Colección MS 184 - Letters, ethnographic material, articles

Letters from the Soeurs T.O.R.M. to the Administration General of the Society of Mary, Oceania Na... Letters in Samoan Ethnographical material in French and English O le Bulla Ineffabilis no liliu i le upu Samoa Letters in French and Samoan A letter concerning Samoa Laici Individualiter An article, 'Samoa et Tonga' from Bibliotheque Illustree des Voyages Autour du Monde Newspaper clippings on Samoa 'Une Nuit Macabre en Oceanie', by P. Goupillard
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Letters, ethnographic material, articles


  • 1836 - 1918 (Creación)

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1 reel; 35mm microfilm; Digital PDF

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Historia biográfica

Institución archivística

Historia archivística

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These papers comprise part of the records of the Vicariate of Samoa which are designated Oceania Navigatores (ON) in the Marist Archives. The documents comprise:

  1. Letters from the Soeurs T.O.R.M. (Sisters of the Third Order Regular of Mary) to the Administration General of the Society of Mary. (APM III ONC, Dossier classified as 'ONC 498 T.O.R.M. Epistolae ad Adm. Gen.', 1914-1918. Continued from PMB 183.)
  2. Letters in Samoan, 1860-83 (from Samoa)
  3. Ethnographical material in French and English, undated
  4. O le Bulla Ineffabilis no liliu i le upu Samoa, 1869
  5. Letters in French and Samoan, 1861-91
  6. A letter concerning Samoa, 1910 (Gubernatores, ON 181)
  7. Laici Individualiter (ON 198)
  8. An article, 'Samoa et Tonga' from Bibliotheque Illustree des Voyages Autour du Monde, 1898(?)
  9. Newspaper clippings on Samoa, 1918
  10. 'Une Nuit Macabre en Oceanie', by P. Goupillard, undated
  11. Lists of letters written from Samoa, 1836-66
  12. Letters from Samoa, 1845-65

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Available for reference

Idioma del material

  • francés

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Institution: Archivio Padri Maristi (Archives of the Marist Fathers)
Address: Via A. Poerio 63, Rome
Country: Italy

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