Coleção MS 53 - Papers

Journal of the Roman Catholic Mission at Port Sandwich, Malekula, 1889-1899 by Father J.N. Pionni... Journal of the Roman Catholic Mission at Pentecost, 1898-1904, by the Rev. Father J.B. Jamond, S.... Journal of the Roman Catholic Mission at Wanur, SW Pentecost, 1906-1912 by Father Laurent Durand-... Account of the missions at Baie Barrier and Wanur, Pentecost, 1910-1927 by Father Elie Tattevin, ... Account of a voyage from Marseilles to New Caledonia and Journal of Roman Catholic Mission at Mal... An account of the Islands of Wala and Rano, Malekula, by Father Casimir Salomon, S.M. c.1906-1908. Myths and Legends of the New Hebrides by Father J.B. Suas, S.M. Inventory of the Population at Craig Cove, Ambrym, in February, 1907, by Father Casimir Bancarel,... Account of a visit to Epi in 1933 by Father Edouard Loubiere, S.M. (1876-196?). Conditions in the New Hebrides, 1931-32, Replies by Monsignor Victor Doucere, S.M., Apostolic Vic...
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  • 1883 - 1933 (Produção)

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1 reel; 35mm microfilm; Digital PDF

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Papers from 1883-1933, relating to the Roman Catholic Mission to New Hebrides (Vanuatu). Items are as follows:

  1. Journal of the Roman Catholic Mission at Port Sandwich, Malekula, 1889-1899 by Father J.N. Pionnier, S.M.
  2. Journal of the Roman Catholic Mission at Pentecost, 1898-1904, by the Rev. Father J.B. Jamond, S.M. and related papers.
  3. Journal of the Roman Catholic Mission at Wanur, SW Pentecost, 1906-1912 by Father Laurent Durand-Vaugaron, S.M.
  4. Account of the missions at Baie Barrier and Wanur, Pentecost, 1910-1927 by Father Elie Tattevin, S.M. (1883-1949).
  5. Account of a voyage from Marseilles to New Caledonia and Journal of Roman Catholic Mission at Malekula, 1883-1891, by Father F.X. Gaudet, S.M.
  6. An account of the Islands of Wala and Rano, Malekula, by Father Casimir Salomon, S.M. c.1906-1908.
  7. Myths and Legends of the New Hebrides by Father J.B. Suas, S.M.
  8. Inventory of the Population at Craig Cove, Ambrym, in February, 1907, by Father Casimir Bancarel, S.M.
  9. Account of a visit to Epi in 1933 by Father Edouard Loubiere, S.M. (1876-196?).
  10. Conditions in the New Hebrides, 1931-32, Replies by Monsignor Victor Doucere, S.M., Apostolic Vicar to the New Hebrides, to questions posed by the French Resident Commissioner.
  11. The Mission at Olal, Ambrym, and Sorcery (Hableou) at North Ambrym by Father J.B. Jamond, S.M., with comments by Father Casimir Bancarel, S.M.

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Roman Catholic Mission, Port Vila, (New Hebrides), Vanuatu

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