Coleção MS 139 - Papers relating to his expedition to the Pacific and Moluccas

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Papers relating to his expedition to the Pacific and Moluccas


  • 1547 - 1548 (Produção)

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1 reel (No.5 of 6-reel set); 35mm microfilm

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História biográfica

The Loaísa expedition was an early 16th-century voyage to the Pacific Ocean commanded by García Jofre de Loaísa (1490 – 20 July 1526). It was ordered by King Charles V of Spain to colonise what at that time were referred to as the Spice Islands in the East Indies (later Moluccas, now Maluku Islands, Indonesia)

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Please see PMB 135. The expedition of Garcia Jofre de Loaisa left Spain for the Moluccas (Maluku Islands, Indonesia) on 24 July 1525, to open up the spice trade initiated by the Magellan expedition.

Patronato 39, Documents 13(cont.) -14: Doc.13: (continued from PMB 138). Doc.14: 1548 - Documents of heirs of Inigo de Elorriaga, boatswain of the Santa Maria de la Victoria and captain of a galley captured by Portuguese.<BR>Patronato 40, Documents 1-6: Doc.1: 1551 - Law suit re wages. Doc.2: Aranda do Douro, 1 October 1547 - Petition and law suit re wages. Doc.3: Law suits and petitions of Francisco de Burgos re outstanding wages of a number of men who died during voyage and for whom Burgos held power of attorney because he had lent them money. Doc.4: Petitions from sons and heirs re wages. Doc.5: Law suits and petitions of the heirs of a number of officers of the Loaysa (Loaisa) fleet all of whom were members of the family of Juan Sebastian Elcano. Doc.6: 1550 - Petition of Antonio Lucar and family concerning 10,000 gold ducats, which with the King's permission he had invested in a fleet bound for the Moluccas. One document indicates that the fleet was that of Magellan, others that it was the fleet of Loaysa (cont. on PMB 140).

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Archivo General de Indias, Seville, Spain

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