Coleção MS 70 - Records

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  • 1849 - 1966 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Records of the Societe de Etudes Oceaniennes:

  1. Orders of the day of the Commanding Officer, Iles Sous le Vent, Society Islands, January-February, 1897.
  2. Miscellaneous documents on Huahine and Raiatea, 1879-1891.
  3. Notes on the ethnology of the Marquesas Islands by C. Noury, Capitaine de Fregate, Commandant of the Nukuhiva station, November 2, 1849. (Human sacrifice and The Origin of Fire in Marquesan and French).
  4. Documents on the ethnology of the Society Islands gathered by C.F. Lavaud, Capitaine de Vaisseau, Commissaire de la Republique, Society Islands - dated July 16, 1849, and September 20, 1849 (Tahitian and French).
  5. Genealogy of Ma'i, by Rene Calinaud, magistrate, Papeete, July 23, 1966.
  6. Report on a mission to the Gambier Islands by Cdt. de la Motte Rouge, February, 1871.
  7. Letters on the smallpox epidemic at Nukuhiva and Uapou, Marquesas, 1863. (Originals in Bishop Museum, Honolulu).
  8. The Old Orsmond Manuscript.
  9. Legend of the Lizard Mo'orea by the Chief of Mai'ao (French and local language).
  10. Letter of Commandant Maxime Destremau, December 2, 1914. (Destremau was the commander of the French warship 'Zelee' when the German raiders 'Scharnhorst' and 'Gneisenau' bombarded Papeete on September 22, 1914).
  11. An official document thanking the men who rescued the victims of the German raider 'Seeadler' from Mopelia Atoll in 1917.
  12. Notes on the inland route from Papenoo to Mataiea, Tahiti, by M. Jay.
  13. Report on lands owned by the Pomare Family, compiled by a secretary of Queen Pomare IV (in Tahitian).
  14. Legends of the Society Islands and other papers.
  15. Useful plants of Tahiti, by Edouard Butteaud.

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Existência e localização de originais

Musee de Papeete, Tahiti

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Línguas e escritas

  • francês
  • taitiano



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