Pièce 020 - “19. & 20.[ PMBPhoto17_020 & PMBPhoto17_023] Men, women and girls marching past the Mission House on their way to the Centenary Celebrations."

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“19. & 20.[ PMBPhoto17_020 & PMBPhoto17_023] Men, women and girls marching past the Mission House on their way to the Centenary Celebrations."


  • 1946 (Production)

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Gunson family, Hackett, Australia

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Original number: 19


"Some have come from the further side of the island, 14 miles. The more distant people probably came in the day before and were billeted in nearby villages. The Alofi Church, left centre. This building shows the Samoan influence of the early days of evangelism. It is a noble structure and a delight to look at. The ceiling is of wood fabrication and where two pieces of wood cross they are bound with coconut fibre sinnet. Throughout the roof portion there is no metal except the nailing of some struts that have been added of recent years. The building is 80 years old. The half cone ends of the roof is a common feature on many of the larger buildings, to lessen the stress of the hurricane gales.” [Information from interleafing in album]

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