Coleção MS 1238 - Campaigns protesting against nuclear testing in the Pacific: press cuttings and scrapbooks

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Código de referência

AU PMB MS 1238


Campaigns protesting against nuclear testing in the Pacific: press cuttings and scrapbooks


  • 1973-1975, 1985 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Barry Mitcalfe, who died in 1986, envisaged a new group, the Peace Media Organisation, having two distinct thrusts. One was to engage in peace research and the other was to demonstrate to the world the strength of New Zealand’s opposition to French testing in the Pacific and peoples’ longing for a peaceful world. (Mitcalfe’s papers are held at the University of Canterbury Library.) The documents microfilmed record NZ press reactions to the protest voyages of the Fri and <i>Greenpeace III</i> (formerly Vega) in 1973. The Pacific Peace Odyssey documentation includes minutes of a Greenpeace NZ meeting on 25 Sep 1974 attended by Irene Peterson, Bruce Peterson, David Moodie, Betty Johnson, Elaine Shaw and Wendy Armstrong.

  • Peace Media Organisation, Press cuttings, Feb-Dec 1973: Vol.1, 21 Feb-23 Jun 1973; Vol.2, 23 Jun-3 Oct 1973; Vol.3, 7 Sep-13 Dec 1973.
  • Greenpeace New Zealand Pacific Peace Odyssey, Apr 1974-Jun 1976, conceived by Barry Mitcalfe, undertaken by David Moodie in the vessel, <i>Fri</i>. Documentation compiled by Gabby Putnoki and Peter Smith in January 2004.
  • Greenpeace. A scrapbook compiled by the crew of the <i>Rainbow Warrior I</i> between March and June 1985 while transferring 260 Marshallese forced to leave their homeland of Rongelap Atoll to resettle on Majuro Atoll, 160km away.

See also PMB Doc 464: <i>Greenpeace New Zealand Newsletter</i>, 1974-2004.

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Existência e localização de originais

Greenpeace New Zealand Office, 113 Valley Road, Mt Eden, Auckland, New Zealand.

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