Coleção MS 1040 - The Fison Project - Various manuscripts and papers and press copy book: Sermons, articles and letters

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AU PMB MS 1040


The Fison Project - Various manuscripts and papers and press copy book: Sermons, articles and letters


  • 188? - 19-? 1867 - 1873 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Nome do produtor


História biográfica

Lorimer Fison (1832-1907) was university-educated with an interest in anthropology, was born in Suffolk, England. He migrated to Australia in 1856, joined the Methodist Church, and went to Fiji as a Wesleyan missionary in 1864. He remained in Fiji until 1884, when he returned to Australia and became editor of the Spectator, a Melbourne church paper. Fison published a number of anthropological papers.

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Âmbito e conteúdo

Please see PMB 1039 for full entry

Item 1: Manuscript by Fison entitled Old Fiji containing notes on Fijian history and customs with descriptive anecdotes. n.d. 82pp<BR>Item 2: Manuscripts in unidentified handwriting of biographical essays about South Seas missionary martyrs. 68ff, as follows:<BR>A - Massacre of the Rev. Thomas Baker and party on Sunday 21st July 1867 at Gag dela Vatu Na Vosa, Viti Levu, Fiji. After 1867. 39ff.<br>A(i) - Incomplete account in one handwriting, 20ff.<BR>A(ii) - Complete account in two other hands, apparently the version of a planter and store owner who lived at the Rewa River mouth at the time of the massacre. 19ff.<BR>B - John Coleridge Patteson. After 1871. 14ff.<BR>C - Rev. John Williams. After 1889. 15ff<BR>Items 1 and 2 are held by the Dixson Library<BR>Item 3: Press copy book, Sermons, articles and letters, 1867 - 1873, held by the Mitchell Library

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Available for reference but this microfilm cannot be supplied - or copies from it made for publication - without the consent of the holding institution.

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The Dixson Library and the Mitchell Library, The State Library of New South Wales, Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000

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