Collection MS 29 - Letters relating to Tonga

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Letters relating to Tonga


  • 1855 (Production)

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1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Dr William Henry Harvey was a botanist, born in Limerick, Ireland. In 1848 he became professor of botany of the Royal Dublin Society and then appointed chair of botany at Trinity College, Dublin, from 1856 until his death in 1866.

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Portée et contenu

Dr William Henry Harvey was a botanist, becoming professor and chair of Botany at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, from 1856 until his death in 1866.

The letters, four in number, give vivid accounts of Dr Harvey's visits to Tonga and Fiji in the latter half of 1855 during the course of a world tour. The letters are addressed to Harvey's sister Hannah (Mrs Hannah Harvey Todhunter) and his niece Mary (Mary Christy Harvey). Dr Harvey was particularly interested in algae; but he also investigated other aspects of the natural history of Tonga and Fiji, and wrote at length of a religious revival in Tonga and cannibalism in Fiji. (Twenty-six other letters of Dr Harvey, dealing with other aspects of his world tour, which took in Gilbraltar, Malta, Ceylon, Australia and New Zealand, are deposited in the library of Trinity College, Dublin). See also the Bureau's newsletter PAMBU, March 1968: 8, pp.1-4.

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Trinity College, Dublin

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