Collection MS 477 - Press clippings and manuscript letters and journals

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Press clippings and manuscript letters and journals


  • 1844 - 1877 (Production)

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Étendue matérielle et support

1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Nom du producteur


Notice biographique

Reverend John Geddie was a Presbyterian missionary who left Nova Scotia, Canada, for the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) in 1846. He reached Aneityum in May 1848 in the mission ship John Williams. Geddie was accompanied by his wife Charlotte Geddie (nee MacDonald, 1822-) and Thomas Powell of the London Missionary Society. Powell left the island after about a year, and the Geddies remained with Samoan teachers. They were joined by John and Jessie Inglis of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland in 1852. John Geddie retired to Australia in 1872, and died soon afterwards.

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Portée et contenu

Reverend John Geddie was a Presbyterian missionary who left Nova Scotia, Canada, for the New Hebrides (Vanuatu) in 1846. He reached Aneityum in May 1848 in the mission ship John Williams. Geddie was accompanied by his wife Charlotte Geddie (nee MacDonald, 1822-) and Thomas Powell of the London Missionary Society (LMS). Powell left the island after about a year, and the Geddies remained with Samoan LMS teachers. The mission was joined in 1852 by the Rev. John Inglis and his wife, who established a station on the northern side of the island. Meanwhile, Geddie had begun printing books in the Aneityumese language - the first being a spelling book, with readings from Scripture, hymns and prayers. During the next few years many similar works and translations of the Scriptures were published. Geddie retired to Australia in 1872, and died soon afterwards.

Thirteen folders of letters, newspaper articles, etc. concerning Geddie's life and the Presbyterian church of his time. Each folder contains an index which appears on the microfilm. See also PMB MS 418 for Geddie's diaries, 1848-58.

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Instruments de recherche

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Existence et lieu de conservation des originaux

Maritime Conference Archives, Pine Hill Divinity Hall, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

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