Coleção MS 1216 - Report on education in the British Solomon Islands

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AU PMB MS 1216


Report on education in the British Solomon Islands


  • March 1940 (Produção)

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Dimensão e suporte

1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Âmbito e conteúdo

William Charles Groves, B.A. (Melb), Dip.Ed., F.R.A.I. (1898-1967) was a Supervisor of Education in the Mandated Territory of New Guinea from 1922 till 1926. He carried out anthropological work in the Western Pacific, including New Guinea, from 1931 till 1936, as a Research Fellow in Social Anthropology under the Australian National Research Council. He was Director of Education in Nauru from 1937 till 1938 and Advisor on Education in the Solomon Islands from 1939 till 1940. After World War II he was appointed Director of Education in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea (TPNG) and remained in that post till 1958.

This copy of Groves’ Report on Education in the British Solomon Islands, March 1940, Ts., roneoed, c.200pp., is an uncatalogued item in the Hallstrom Pacific Collection. Its contents consist of:
Part I., Section 1. Introduction, Acknowledgements, etc.
Section 2. The Solomon Islands Background in Relation to Education.
Section 3. The Missions in the Solomon Islands
Section 4. Educational Aims and Objectives for the Solomon Islands
Section 5. The Missions and the Government in Education: (a) The present educational situation; (b) The Mission-Government Cooperation Principle.
Section 6. General Conclusions.
Part II., Section 1. Introductory
Section 2. Outline of a Suggested Educational Organisation.
Section 3. Educational Organisation (continued).
Section 4. Problems of Educational Content and School Curricula.
Section 5. Problems of Educational Content (continued).
Section 6. Educational finance.
Section 7. The Introduction of the Proposed System: Staff Requirements, legislation, Method of Organisation, etc.
Bibliography: (a) Solomon Islands (b) Native Education.
Appendix. Suggested Courses of Study for Solomon Islands Schools.

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Hallstrom Pacific Collection, University of New South Wales Library, Sydney.

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