Pièce 271b - Seychelles, Solomons and Gilberts. [see below for contents]

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AU PMB MS 1189-271b


Seychelles, Solomons and Gilberts. [see below for contents]


  • 1973-1978 (Production)

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Reel 8, item 271, pp.57-117.
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Includes the following documents:
• Solomon Islands: Character and Culture, Sep 1975, Ts., draft, annotated, 9pp., together with papers on the SI budget session, 1976, and a response by Martin Clemens to paper by J.A. Boutilier on SI District Officers, Dec 1978, Ts., 3pp. [The paper was eventually published as "The Government Is the District Officer." In, William Rodman and Dorothy Counts (eds.), Middlemen and Brokers in Oceania. New York: University Press of America, 1983.]
• D.C.C. Luddington, Solomon Islands Valedictory Despatch 1976, Ts., 11pp.
• C.H. Allan, First Impressions of the Solomon Islands, 1977, Ts., 13pp.;
• C.H. Allan, Solomon Islands Annual Review for 1977, Ts., 21pp., appendix;
• C.H. Allan, Constitutional Advance in the Solomon Islands, 1977, Ts., roneo, 9pp.;
• C.H. Allan, Constitutional Advance in the Solomon Islands, Sep 1977, Ts., roneo, 15pp.;
• J. Moore, Gilbertese Settlement in the Solomon Islands, May 1977, Ts., carbon, 29pp., appendices and cover note; together with P.D. Macdonald, Questions relating to Emigration of Gilbertese, especially from Phoenix and Southern Gilbert Islands, to the Solomon Islands, Apr 1977, Ts., p/c, 18pp.
• K.E. Knudson, Sydney Island, Titiana, and Kamaleai: Southern Gilbertese in the Phoenix and Solomon Islands. From M.D. Lieber, (ed.) Exiles and Migrants in Oceania, UH Press, Honolulu, 1977, pp195-242, Ts. roneo, 47pp.;
• J.H. Smith, The Gilbert Islands: A Valedictory, 3 May 1978, Ts., roneo, 3pp.;
• Seychelles Political Despatch, 21 Feb 1973, Ts., roneo,10pp.;
• B. Greatbatch to FCO, re Seychelles, 22 Mar 1973, Ts.,3pp.;
• Record of Conversation between FCO Minister and Seychelles Delegation, 19 Jun 1973, Ts., 4pp.;
• Meeting with the Governor of the Seychelles and Seychelles Ministers, 20 Jul (1973), Ts., p/c, 5pp.;
• B. Greatbatch, [Seychelles] Valedictory Despatch, 1973, Ts., carbon, 9pp.;
• James R. Mancham, Report on Seychelles constitutional matters, 14 Sep 1973, Ts., 1p.
• C.H. Allan, First Impressions of the Colony of the Seychelles, 1974, Ts., 15pp.;
• C.H. Allan, The Seychelles General Election, 1974, 7 May 1974, Ts., 12pp.;
• C.H. Allan, The Seychelles Review for 1974, Ts., 13pp.
• The Seychelles Connection, n.d. (1977?), Ts., annotated, 9pp.

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