Collection MS 1186 - Studies of Indigenous societies in the Madang area, Papua New Guinea

PMB MS 1186 Finding Aid

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AU PMB MS 1186


Studies of Indigenous societies in the Madang area, Papua New Guinea


  • 1978-2000 (Production)

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1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Mary Mennis is an historian who lived and worked in PNG for many years. She has published works on Tolai people, myths and social customs, a history of St. Michael's Church on Matupit Island, a reader for Pacific island primary school students and a biography of Father William Ross, first American missionary to Papua New Guinea.

M. Mennis, 'The Existence of Yomba Island Near Madang: Fact of Fiction', <I>Oral History</I>, Vol. 6, No.6, 1978, pp.3-81.
<BR>M. Mennis, 'Kilibob & Manup Myth Found on the North Coast of PNG', <I>Oral History</I>, Vol. 7, No.4, 1979, pp.88-101
<BR>Brian Mennis, 'Tolai Fish Traps', <I>Oral History</I>, Vol. 7, No.4, 1979, pp.88-101
<BR>'Oral Testimonies from Coastal Madang' Collected by Mary Mennis, Part One, <I>Oral History</I>, Vol.8, No.10, 1980, pp.1-118.
<BR>'Oral Testimonies from Coastal Madang, Collected by Mary Mennis', Part Two, <I>Oral History</I>, Vol. 9, No.1, 1981, pp.1-107.
<BR>'Oral Testimonies from Coastal Madang Collected by Mary Mennis', Part Three, <I>Oral History</I>, Vol. 9, No.2, 1981, pp.1-107.
<BR>Mary Mennis, <I>Sailing for Survival: a comparative report of the trading System and Trading canoes of the Motu people in the Port Moresby area and the Bel people in the Madang area of Papua New Guinea</I>, report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Master of Social Science , School of Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology, James Cook University of North Queensland, March 2000, 128pp., illus., maps, diags.

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Mrs Mary Mennis, Aspley, Quuensland, Australia

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