Pièce 055 - [Entertainment from the Boys' and Girls' Brigades]

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[Entertainment from the Boys' and Girls' Brigades]


  • 1946 (Production)

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  • English

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Gunson family, Hackett, Australia

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Access this title at PMB Member Libraries or by contacting the Bureau directly: http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/pambu/accessing.php

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Original number: 47


__[This large caption is probably for PMBPhoto17_052, PMBPhoto17_055 & PMBPhoto17053 – so, 46, 47. & 48 in the original numbering] Saturday, 23rd November, the Boys and Girls of the Brigades gave a private entertainment for the ____ [interleafing torn here] of action songs and dances. The girls in dances and action songs. In 46[PMBPhoto17052] the two women on right in back row are the G.B. ____. __ girls in a dance of a calisthenic nature. ____ show the training they receive at the Administration School at Alofi. This training gives them appreciation of the best that the papalagi can give; it also adds to their natural grace of movement. While they receive this style of training they still need to retain and develop their native style and to learn to value their native methods.” [Information from interleafing in album]

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