Collection MS 1264 - A Warwai Ure Iesu Karisito, translation of Gospel stories into the Blanche Bay dialect, and Rev. Walker’s, Reflections on the Work of the Missionary, written on his return from New Britain, PNG.

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AU PMB MS 1264


A Warwai Ure Iesu Karisito, translation of Gospel stories into the Blanche Bay dialect, and Rev. Walker’s, Reflections on the Work of the Missionary, written on his return from New Britain, PNG.


  • 1927-1930. (Production)

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1 reel; 35mm microfilm

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Notice biographique

Rev. Francis Trafford Walker and Mrs Emma M. Walker, his wife, travelled from Sydney to Rabaul on the SS Mataro in June 1925 to take up posts in New Britain with the Overseas Mission of the Methodist Church of Australasia. They were stationed at Kabakada, Watnabara and Vunairima.

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Portée et contenu

Rev. Francis Trafford Walker and Mrs Emma M. Walker, his wife, travelled from Sydney to Rabaul on the SS Mataro in June 1925 to take up posts in New Britain with the Overseas Mission of the Methodist Church of Australasia. They were stationed at Kabakada from July 1925, and then at Watnabara, where their son Gordon born on 7 Mar 1927. Having taken furlough in Sydney from March until June 1928, they returned to Kabakada. In April 1929 they shifted Vunairima, where their daughter, Enid, was born on 12 May 1929.
In January 1930, when Gordon contracted a severe form of malaria, they returned to Australia.
Chronology supplied by Gordon Walker, Feb 2006:

Methodist Missionary Society of Australasia, New Brirain District, George Brown College, 1927, A Warwai Ure Iesu Karisito, written by F. Trafford Walker (Principal), language revised by Apelis To Maniot (Head Tutor), Ts., 159pp. This is a series of lectures in the Blanche Bay dialect setiing out a complete narrative of the life of Jesus Christ. Rev Walker writes in the Preface that the “language employed in this work is the pure Blanche Bay dialect, and every effort has been made to eliminate all foreign influence in order that the true native tongue might be preserved…. Apelis To Maniot … has thrown himself into the task of preserving for his fellows the language of his ancestors. ”

Rev. F. Trafford Walker, Reflections on the Work of the Missionary, Ts., 34pp., incomplete, plus notes. Includes the following chapters: ‘Rev. W.H. Cox’, ‘A Superintendent of a Circuit’, ‘Running a Circuit’, “Working Under a Chairman’, ‘Quarterly Meetings’, ‘Medical Work’, ‘Handling Disputes’, ‘Religious Teaching’, and ‘Other Missions’. Together with lecture notes, Ts., 1 leaf, Ms., 2pp.

See also: PMB Photo 7, Rev. Francis Trafford Walker and Mrs Emma M. Walker: Photographs documenting the Methodist Missions at Kabakada, Watnabara and Vunairima, via Rabaul, New Britain, 1925-1930.

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Mrs Lois Balleine, Strathfield, Sydney.

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