Coleção MS 689 - Whaling logbooks, and other documents, copied in New England (USA) repositories

Zona de identificação

Código de referência



Whaling logbooks, and other documents, copied in New England (USA) repositories


  • 1830 - 1896 (Produção)

Nível de descrição


Dimensão e suporte

1 reel; 35mm microfilm

Zona do contexto

Nome do produtor

História biográfica

Entidade detentora

História do arquivo

Fonte imediata de aquisição ou transferência

Zona do conteúdo e estrutura

Âmbito e conteúdo

Please refer to the full entry in PMB 200

For indexes see American Whalers and Traders in the Pacific, Robert Langdon, ed., Canberra, 1978 and Where the Whalers Went, Robert Langdon, ed., Canberra, 1984. Information is provided in the following format: Name of ship (in upper case); Name of Captain/Logkeeper; Date of voyage; Area or places visited.
EMERALD; Jaggar; 1855; Continued from reel PMB 688 ISABELLA; Lyon; 1855-59; * LEWIS; Bonney; 1853-57; Pacific FRANCIS A. BARSTOW; Edwards; 1894-96; Pacific ALICE; Beebie; 1858-60; Pacific BARTHOLOMEW GOSNOLD; Balles; 1864-65; Pacific

The following items are held by Queensborough Public Library: Inventory to ships and whaling voyages in Long Island Collection, Queensborough Public Library, Jamaica NY NEPTUNE; ?; 1839-41; Pacific RICHMOND; ?; 1843-44; Pacific RICHMOND; ?; 1849-50; NOBLE; ?; 1853-55/1855-57; NIMROD; Green; 1858-60; Pacific DAWN; ? EDWARD; ?; 1830-32; Pacific HENRY; ?; 1838; UNIDENTIFIED MARCUS; Sweeny; 1836-37;

The remaining items are held by Smithtown Public Library: NEPTUNE; ?; 1841-43; Indian Ocean SABINA; ?; 1841-43; Pacific HAMILTON; ?; 1849-50; Pacific * - Sailed to areas other than the Pacific or Indian Ocean. Of special interest on this reel (FRANCIS A. BARSTOW; 1894-96) Crew member 'caught in the act of sodomy', 4/1/1895 (NEPTUNE; 1839-41) Submarine earthquake, 13/9/1840

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Condições de acesso

Available for reference.
For Oysterponds Historical Society and Smithtown Library items: May be used for personal/research purposes only, including the making of copies by photographic or similar means. For more extensive use of the work or for any reproductions, written permission must be obtained from the relevant institution (Oysterpond Historical Society or Smithtown Library).
For all other items: no part of the contents of this microfilm may be reproduced in any way without the permission of the holding institution or individual. Written permission must be obtained from the holding institution or individual before copies of the microfilm can be supplied. The name of the holding institution or individual, and the PMB film number, should both appear in citations.

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Script do material

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Instrumentos de descrição

Zona de documentação associada

Existência e localização de originais

Oysterpond Historical Society(see 0688); Long Island Collection, Queensborough Public Library, Merrick Blvd. Jamaica NY; Richard H. Handley Collection of Long Island Americana, The Smithtown Library, 1 North Country Road, Smithtown, NY 11787.

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